Friday, March 14, 2025

Death Valley – February 2025 – Part Two


please remember you can click on a photo to see a larger version & highlighted text are links to additional information

Please click here for Part One


Sand Canyon


Early morning had us driving north on the Harry Wade Road enroute to a remote canyon in the Owlshead Mountains. After parking our trucks, we went to work figuring out what canyon opening in the mountain front two miles distant was Sand Canyon. We worked our way across the bajada to find an easy drop into the wash.






Seeing a new flowering plant, the Lady put her phone and seek app to work – Turtleback (Psathyrotes ramosissima)





We entered the board and appropriately sandy wash of Sand Canyon.






My companions pulled away from me because I’m a sucker for Brittlebrush (Encelia farinose)






It is the granite that makes Sand Canyon so special. The day was already warm so notice in the photo below that my companions are to the left, keeping in the shade.






The canyon narrowed and was soon filled with a huge boulder jam.






Deb and I attempted to bypass to the right. Julie and Steve worked through the boulder jam as far as they could. It ended at a high dry fall with another above. We all decided a steep climbing bypass to the left was best. Steve led the way.






Here’s a view back down from around two thirds of the way up.






And a view down from back in the canyon.






The canyon widens above and we continued on.






It was hot, and after a bit over a mile up this section, I found a spot in the shade and let the others go on. I was still not 100% and wanted to assure a good reserve of energy for the hike back. A short time later Deb turned around and joined me. Steve and Julie continued on to near the end of the canyon at the crest.


Steve and Julie returned with stories and photos and we all started back down the canyon.






The granite was gorgeous in the afternoon light.









We neared the top of the bypass we had used.






The amount of vertical feet drop is impressive.






Shadows were long when we exited the canyon. The hike in the afternoon light was outstanding.

















We set up camp where we had parked, a comfortable spot with a view alongside the road.


The Lady had our coffee mugs ready at dawn and we commenced “our morning wander.”






A view west at the southern Owlshead Mountains.






The Lady had her mind set on descending all the way down to the mighty Amargosa River.









I thought it was a great idea also.


The broad wash of the mighty Amargosa leading down into Death Valley is impressive.






We climbed up to camp and completed our wander. We did not drown and we did not spill any Peets Coffee. It was time for breakfast and moving on to a new area, Ibex Spring.


Our adventure continues in the upcoming Part Three

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