Saturday, March 15, 2025

Death Valley – February 2025 – Part Three

please remember you can click on a photo to see a larger version & highlighted text are links to additional information

Please click here for Part Two


Talc, Talc, and More Talc


We were curious about that sign, the sign that read, “Deep Sand 4 ½ Miles Ahead.” It was a much shorter route. It would save a lot of time. It was new territory for us; new country to see. Should we try it? Of course.


We had no issues with the sand or the deep wash out that Digonnet warns about in Hiking Death Valley.

We arrived at the old mining camp at Ibex Spring late morning.


You cannot miss the palms. There are two species here.






The spring was exploited as a water source for the camp with a large tank (empty) and a spring house with water.








There was an assortment of decaying buildings.












We spent a couple hours here.






We found remains of older structures.






But we did not find signs of earlier use of the spring area or any rock art. We were disappointed.


Deb and Steve led the drive up the shelf road to the massive Moorehouse Mine.









Any service roads had eroded and washed away years ago.






The ruins are extensive.




























The upper levels were quarried for the talc.









We thoroughly explored the mine.









We drove down and set up camp on a landing with an expansive view.






Far in the distance, we watched last light wash over the Ibex Dunes and the Ibex Hills. It was a lovely evening as the light continuously changed.

















We live for evenings like this.


The next morning, we were off again.






We climbed up on a point for an overview of the Pleasanton Mine and then we took a closer look.


















There was much more on the other side of the ridge.









There was also a lower level where the talc was trucked away.






To the east and higher was the Monarch Mine – talc, talc, and more talc.






There was interesting joinery about.









Across from the Monarch were the remains of a mine camp.












The Rob Roy Mine – zinc, not talc – was about a mile and a quarter further and around a corner. We followed an old Indian trail that was possibly later appropriated by the miners.





But out on the bajada was a large old truck, an early 1940’s Ford dump truck. This we had to see.












Someone forgot to lay led light strips under this vehicle and light them up 24/7 to prevent rodent damage.






The Lady had so much fun with this dump truck I’m afraid I might have to get her one.









We made a loop back to our campers and enjoyed another evening at our high camp. This was our last night together with Deb & Steve. Tomorrow, March 1st was the big day. It was overcast and warm the next morning in the predawn. The Lady and I had been sleeping every night with the luxury of our windows open in the camper.






Deb’s talk at the Shoshone Museum was at 1:00 pm. I suggested we had time to drive over to China Ranch Date Farm and get a date shake. There was no opposition to my idea.


Deb’s talk was on the early surveys of the California/Nevada Border. 










At the end of Deb’s well prepared and presented talk, I was convinced it was an absolute boondoggle. The California/ Nevada border was not finalized until 1980.


It was so much fun for us to surprise Deb and spend a wonderful week in the Death Valley backcountry with Deb & Steve. Thank you for your friendship and hospitality!


You all have an opportunity to join in the fun and surprise Deb coming up in June.

She has two talks scheduled in Reno, Nevada –


Nevada Historical Society

Boundary Boondoggle:

The Chaos and Confusion of the CA/NV Border

Nevada History -- On The GO! Series

Saturday, June 7, 2025 at 1 pm

Sierra View Library, Reno NV




Knights of Pythias and Nevada Historical Society

On the Trail of Female Prospectors

Writer's Wednesday -- On The GO! Series

Wednesday, June 11, 2025 at 5:30 pm

Amity Lodge #8, 980 Nevada St, Reno, NV


I think she’s on to us now and it may be hard for the Lady and me to surprise her. Perhaps we can come up with something.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks 3SkiPin for a wonderful report and beautiful photos. I am grateful you and the Lady came to my talk! Hope to see y'alls in Reno this June! -DAF
